Afro-tour: Celebrating Black Heritage in Porto Alegre
Get to know the afro-twel story in a different way!
Get to know the real Afro-Gaucho story that is usually not told in schools.
On this tour you will get to know the history of the Bará do Mercado and the legend of the Church of Dores, the mysteries of Tambor Square and the famous Park of Redemption.
In addition to showing the sights and telling the history of the places that mark the black presence in Porto Alegre, the tour guide Aline will tell you the history of great black personalities of the past and the present, bringing music and poetry on the theme.
This is an urban tour focusing on the afrocentred culture, with approximately 3 hours of duration, involving a light walk of about 1.5 km and several stops along the route.
The journey begins in the Public Market of Porto Alegre and usually concludes in Tambor Square. The itinerary can be adjusted according to the preference of the group, exploring points such as the Black Route Museum and other significant locations that marked the black presence in the Gaucha capital.
This tour is conducted by Aline Andreoli, tour guide, educator and specialist in African History and Afro-Brazilian. With more than 20 years of dedication to the study of Ethnic-Racial Relations Education (ERER), Aline decided to unite his passion for racial theme, creating an Afro-tourism script. Its goal is to share this knowledge with more people, promoting the appreciation of the rich afro-cucha history.
When: Saturday, Sunday or Monday, with prior scheduling, from 9am to 12h or from 14h to 17h.
Value: $ 75 per person.